Jumat, September 19, 2014



AS A RESULT OF THE DECENTRALIZATION OF GOVERNMENT DURING of the dak ages, the period of feudalism come into being between the ninth and fourteenth centuries.
The feeudalistic period appeared because people needed protection and since strong monarch and govermont that could supply this protection were rare, the people turned to noblemen and others who buit castles had large land holdings and made themselves strong. Feudalism was  a system of land tenure based on allegiance and service to the nobleman or lord. The lord who owned the land, called his assal, in return for the use of this land the assal owed allegiance and certain obligations to this lord. The largest part of the population however was made up of serfs,who worked the land but shared little in the profits. They were bound to the land and as it was transferred from vassal they were also transferred.
Two careers open wre to sons of noblemen during feudalistictimes. They might enter training for the church and became members of the clergy, or they might became knights. If they decided in favor of the church, they pursued an education that was religious an academic in nature if they decided in favor of chivalry the pursued an education that was physical social and millitary in nature. To the average boy, chivalry had much more appeal than the church.
That training that a bov experienced in becoming a knight was long and through. Physical training played a major role during this period . at he age of 7 years a boy was usually sent to he castle of a nobleman for training and preparation for knight hood first, he was known as a page, and his instructor and teacher was usually on of the women in the lord castle. During his tenure as a page, a boy learned, court etiquette, waited on table,ran erands and helped withb household tasks. During the rest of the time he participated in various forms of physical activity that would serve him well as knight and strengthen him for the arduous years ahead. He practiced for events such as boxing, running, fencing, jumping, and swiming.
At the age of 14 years the boy became a squire and was assigned to a  knight his studies included keeping keeping the knights weapons in good condition caring for his horses , helping him with his armor attending to his injuries and guarding his prisoners. During the time the boy was a squire, more and more emphasis was placed in physical training. He was continually required to engage in vigorous sport and exercise such as hunting scaling walls, shooting with bow and arrow, running,climbing, swordmanship, and horsemanship.
If the squire proved his fitness he became a knight at 21 years of age the ceremony was solemn and memorable. The prospective knight took a bath of purifaction, dressed in white, and spent an entire night in meditation and prayer in the morning the lord placed his sword on the knight’s shoulder a ceremony known as the accolade this marked the conferring of knighthood.
Jousts and tournaments were two special events in which all knight engaged several times during their lives and that were tests of their fitness. These special events served both as amusement and as training for the battle. In the jousts two knights attempted to unseat one another from another from their horses with blows from lances and by skill in horsemanship. Many knights participated in tournaments, programs designed to exhbit the skill and showmanship amed during their long period of training. They were lined up as two teams at each end of the list, as the grounds were called and on a signal they attempdedto unseat the memberes of the opposing team. These mele continue until one team was declared the victor, many knights wore their lady’s colorrs and their armor and attempted with all their strength and skill to uphold her honor. During these tournaments death often resulted for participants. In these exhibitions a knight had the oppurtunity to display his personal bravery, skill, prowess, strength, and courage.

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